assembling a modular housing typology in Deforest, WI

Affordability is a main driver in my modular building approach on this site.

If infrastructure existed many of these areas would be accessible by bike. Commercial space on the site would potentially draw from these areas and a ride sharing program will enable residents to access amenities even if they don't own a car.

The above map shows future zoning and immediate amenities. The surrounding areas will utilized for mixed use development in the future - drawing users from the single family development to the east. This future usage further justifies commercial space on the site, to ensure ongoing compatibility this space will be deemed "flex" space to be used for residential, commercial, or community use.

Modular concrete construction saves money and simplifies construction. The use of Carbicrete (steel slag, CO2 injected during concrete production carbicrete.com) enables the site to sequester carbon concurrent with construction. Because the units are essentially shells they can be easily reconfigured.

Each building receives a unique color treatment, and the community center is a combination of all of these colors. This approach references the primary and secondary nature of the modular housing scheme as well as providing each individual building and the entire community identity.